About Us | Diamond Needle Corp.

Diamond Needle warehouse
Diamond Needle Corp., Founded in 1951, is one of the world’s largest distributors of sewing machine needles.
Founded in 1951, Diamond Needle Corp is proud to be one of the world’s largest sewing machine needle distributors. Since our humble beginnings as distributors of sewing machine needles, we have expanded to supply a range of industrial and household sewing machine needles, sewing tools, and supplies, as well as manufacturing our own industrial scissors brand, Belmont.
An Efficient Industrial Needle Supplier
At Diamond Needle, supplying needles for industrial and household applications is our mission. We have the resources to provide needles for a variety of industrial purposes, such as:- Bookbinding
- Automotive applications
- Furniture
- Quilting
- Embroidery
- Filters
- Industrial textiles
We Partner with Organ Needle

In addition to being one of the largest distributors of industrial needles, Diamond Needle is North America’s exclusive distributor of the Organ Needle brand. Our partnership has allowed us to provide quality products at an economical price. Organ Needle was founded in Tokyo, Japan, in 1920 as a manufacturer of gramophone needles. Since then, they have expanded to manufacture home sewing and industrial needles, Felting needles, knitting machine needles, and more.
Offering a Selection of Industrial Scissors and Tools
Needles are the heart of our business, yet Diamond Needle also manufactures and supplies various industrial sewing machine parts and tools. Our extensive line for industrial sewing equipment includes the following:- Scissors
- Sewing notions
- Crayons and markers
- Fasteners and specialized tools
We Engineer Belmont Industrial Scissors

Manufactured by Diamond Needle, Belmont industrial scissors are a cost-effective, high-quality solution to meet the demanding workload of industrial sewing. Belmont produces specialized applications, discontinued styles, popular designs of industrial scissors, and other tools like tweezers and seam rippers.